Tuesday, August 21, 2007


dict.leo.org mein online dictionary uebersetzt nerd:

"der Computerfreak", "der Fachidiot", "der Langeweiler", "der Schwachkopf", "der Sonderling", "der Streber".

ein online test ergab folgendes:

What Be Your Nerd Type?
Your Result: Science/Math Nerd

(Absolute Insane Laughter as you pour toxic chemicals into a foaming tub of death!)

Well, maybe you aren't this extreme, but you're in league with the crazy scientists/mathmeticians of today. Very few people have the talent of math and science is something takes a lot of brains as well. Thank whosever God you worship, or don't worship, so thank no deity whatsoever in your case, for you people! Most of us would have died off without your help.

Drama Nerd
Gamer/Computer Nerd
Social Nerd
Literature Nerd
Anime Nerd
Artistic Nerd
What Be Your Nerd Type?
Quizzes for MySpace

klar das "Musician" so ausfallen musste, und "Artistic" hat auch nur keine punkte, weil "Martial Arts" nicht als "Art" gesehen wird. und da ich weder male, noch gedichte schreibe und der blog hier nicht als kriterium auftauchte, auch hier 0 punkte, dafuer mindestens 8 stunden online, das fuehrt dann leicht zu computer nerd.

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